Imagine a situation when you had to use a taxi, but the taxi at the hotel asked for 30 dollars for the trip to your location. You decided to save some money and took Uber, but unfortunately, you had to wait 20 minutes longer than they had announced when you had ordered it. It happened due to a small mistake by the Uber driver who mixed up the address. In the end, you arrived at your destination for less than 30 dollars, but 20 minutes later than you had hoped. You didn't miss anything, but you spent the extra 20 minutes. Will you use Uber again after that, understanding that it wasn't the service's fault, but a coincidence of circumstances associated with the human factor? Or will you prefer taking a taxi to the hotel? Perhaps you are a high-salaried lawyer, and an hour of your time costs 500 dollars, but you were 20 minutes late and didn't earn 150 dollars while saving 15 on the taxi ride. How seriously will you take such loss? Most people do not convert their personal time spent to a monetary cost for activities like reading books, watching movies, playing poker, and so on; we don't calculate the "opportunity cost" of such things.
Decentralized experts will perform a project appraisal quite responsibly, no worse than full-time experts at a venture fund, but they will not charge hundreds of dollars for their time. It will be nearly a hobby for them, a game, a socially beneficial action, like helping to clean up their neighborhood. The algorithm we have created will not allow them to take the project appraisal frivolously. The influence of an expert's vote on the rating of a particular project will depend on a lot of factors, including the expert's evaluation history, their personal details, and the level of uniqueness of the project.
Compare the working day of a grinding-machine operator to the day of a freelancer whose activity involves writing articles and comments on the net, and so on. The differences between their working conditions help illustrate the advantages granted by contemporary technology. They can be expressed in terms of comfort, in the freedom in choosing our working place and how we organize our time. The growth of information-processing technology can provide a combination of comfortable conditions and financial advantages for nearly anyone with access to them.
Have you ever witnessed an idea or project of yours being discussed in a public forum? Have you observed comments, floods, trolling from people you'd call idlers? And what if their vibrant energy were focused on something positive? Such skills can be very useful for detecting dubious projects, uncovering missing details, flaws and potential scams. People who actively participate in discussions are better able to discover weak points in arguments. Like detectives, they are eager to dig down to the truth, blow the lid off, find all the hidden pitfalls, and deliver a public verdict. The involvement of decentralized experts will provide a lively and unbiased discussion of the projects being offered.
The goals pursued by active commenters, trolls and flooders are material as a rule, their nicknames become recognizable due to such activity, they get followers, obtain the reputation of being an experts (or at least quasi-experts), and hence they obtain a whole range of opportunities to derive financial benefits by using their recognizability. In our case, the financial benefit from their actions will be quite tangible.