1. S.N. Atutov, E.G. Saprikin, S.G. Rautian.
Investigation of spontaneous radiation of transition 3S
2- 2P
4 of Neon in presence of strong light field. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Physics of Gas Lasers, p. 43, 1969, Novosibirsk.
2. S.N. Atutov , A.G. Nikitenko, S.G. Rautian, E.G. Saprikin.
Experimental studying of the differential cross section of non elastic collision of exited atoms on electrons of glow discharge plasma. . Sov.Phys.-JETP Lett. v.13, issue 5, 1971.
3. S.N. Atutov, A.I. Lochmatov.
Laser interferometer for angle and transference measurement on the basis of two frequencies gas laser. Avtometria ( Sov. Optoelectronics ) N.1, 1971.
4. S.N. Atutov, V.V. Slabko.
Frequency stabilisation of the anisotropic gas laser, Proceedings of Conference of Soviet Union on Control of Frequency of Stimulated Radiation, 1982, Kiev.
5. S.N. Atutov, V.V. Slabko, A.I. Lochmatov, V.A. Chanov.
Frequency stabilisation of the anisotropic He-Ne Laser in variable magnetic field.
Avtometria ( Sov. Optoelectronics ) N. 1, 1974.
6. S.N. Atutov, V.P. Koronkevich, A.I. Lochmatov, G.I. Smirnov.
On frequency characteristics of the Zeeman laser with anisotropic resonator. Sov. Journ.-Quantum. Electronics, N. 5, 1975.
7. S.N. Atutov, V.P. Bes'melcev, V.N. Burnashev, V.V. Vorob'ev,
V.P. Koroncevich, A.I. Lochmatov, V.S. Sobolev.
An investigation of the laser interferometer for the angle and transference measurement on the basis of two frequencies lasers. Avtometria ( Sov. Optoelectronics) N. 5, 1976,
8. S.N. Atutov, V.P. Kochanov, E.G. Saprikin, G.I. Smirnov.
Fabry-Perot laser spectrometer, Sov. Journ-Optics and Spectroscopy, v. 43, 1977.
9. S.N. Atutov, S.G. Rautian, G.D. Rodionov, E.G. Saprikin, A.M. Shalagin. Contrasting of non-linear resonances by using its polarisation properties. Sov. Journ. -Technical Physics Letters, v. 3, issue 24, 1977.
10. S.N. Atutov, G.I. Smirnov.
Modes self- selection in Zeeman laser. Avtometria ( Sov. Optoelectronics) N. 2, 1979.
11. S.N. Atutov, S.G Rautian, G.D. Rodionov, E.G. Saprikin, A.M. Shalagin. Methods of polarisation spectroscopy for investigation of relaxation characteristics of degenerate systems. Avtometria ( Sov. Optoelectronics) N. 4, 1979.
12. V.D Antsygin, S.N. Atutov, F.Kh. Gel'mukhanov, G.G. Telegin, and
A.M. Shalagin.
Light-induced diffusion of Sodium vapour. Sov.Phys.-JETP Lett. v.30, 243, 1979.
13. S.N. Atutov, S.N. Selesnev, A.M. Shalagin.
Selection of axial modes of He-Ne laser in longitudinal magnetic field. Sov.Journ. -Appl. Spectroscopy. N. 6, 1979.
14. V.D. Antsygin, S.N. Atutov, F.Kh. Gel'muchanov, G.G. Telegin,, and
A.M. Shalagin.
Effect of light-induced diffusion of gases. Proceedings of 4th Vavilov International Conference,v. 2, 1979. Novosibirsk.
15. S.N. Atutov, E.G. Saprikin, D.V. Yakovin.
Gas lasers with two spectral lines. Proceedings of the 1th Soviet Union Conference on using of modern physical methods for control and measurement systems. v. 1, 1979, Chabarovsk.
16. S.N. Atutov, V.M. Lunin, S.N. Selesnev.
Single-frequency gas lasers tuneable by applied magnetic field. Proceedings of the 1st Soviet Union Conference on using of modern physical methods for control and mesurement systems. v. 1, 1979, Chabarovsk.
17. S.N. Atutov, V.A. Tarkov, V.A. Chanov.
A precision of frequency reproduction of stabilised Zeeman laser. In a book
" Coherent-optical systems", v. 6, 1979. Novosibirsk.
18. V.D. Ansygin, S.N. Atutov, F.Kh. Gel'muchanov, A.M. Shalagin,
G.G. Telegin, A.M. Shalagin.
Gas diffusion induced by resonance light field. Opt. Commun., v. 32, p. 237. 1980.
19. S.N.Atutov, S.S. Bednarjevskii, V.P. Maltsev, E.G. Saprikin, G.I. Smirnov, V.E. Soloboev.
Two-parameters laser system for measurement of diffused light intensity. Avtometria ( Sov. Optoelectronics) N. 3, 1981.
20. S.N. Atutov, P.L. Chapovsky, A.M. Shalagin,
Light-induced drift of Neon, Proceedings of 7th Vavilov International Conference, v., 1981.
21. S.N. Atutov, A.I. Plekhanov, A.M. Shalagin.
Superradiance of the D-line of sodium atoms under optical excitation, Proceedings of 10th Bulgarian Jubilee Nation. Conference on atomic spectroscopy, Veliko-Turnovo. 1982.
22. S.N. Atutov, P.L. Chapovsky, A.M. Shalagin.
Light-induced drift of neon under optical excitation from a metastable state. Opt. Commun., v. 43, N.4, 1982.
23. S.N. Atutov, A.L. Plekhanov, A.M. Shalagin.
Laser generation of D1- sodium line under optical excitation. Sov. Journ.-Optics and Spectroscopy, v. 50, 1982.
24. S.N. Atutov, I.M. Ermolaev, A.M.Shalagin.
Light-induced current in rare neutral gas. Sov. Phys.- JETP. Lett. v.40, N.9, 1984.
25. S.N. Atutov, I.M. Ermolaev, A.M. Shalagin,
Light-induced current. Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics. v.2, 1985, Moscow.
26. S.N. Atutov, St. Lesjak, S.P. Pod'jachev. A.M. Shalagin.
Movement of Na- vapour cloud by light-induced drift. Opt. Commun., v. 60, p.41, 1986.
27. S.N. Atutov, S.P. Pod'jachev,A.M. Shalagin.
Diffusion pulling of Na vapour into the laser beam. Opt. Commun., v. 57, N. 4. 1986.
28. S.N. Atutov, S.P. Pod'jachev, A.M. Shalagin.
Light-induced diffusion pulling of Sodium vapour into laser beam. Sov. Phys. -JETP v.64, N.8, 1986.
29. S.N. Atutov, A.M. Shalagin.
Light-induced effect in young stars nebula. Preprint of Institute of Automation and Electrometry , N.326, 1986, Novosibirsk.
30. S.N. Atutov.
Light-induced drift of Na vapour without physical adsorption on the inner surface of the cell. Phys. Lett. v.119, N.3. 1986.
31. S.N. Atutov, I.M. Ermolaev, A.M. Shalagin.
Light-induced current in Sodium vapour. Sov. Phys.- JETP, v.63, N.6, 1986.
32. S.N. Atutov, I.M. Ermolaev, A.M. Shalagin.
Investigation of the Light-induced drift effect of Sodium vapour. Sov. Phys.-JETP, v.65, N.4, 1987.
33. S.N. Atutov, S.P. Pod'jachev,
Observation and Investigation of diffusion waves of Sodium vapour. Sov. Journ.
Optics and Spectroscopy, v.62, N.5, 1987.
34. N.G.C. Werij, J.P.M. Hermans, P.C.M. Planken, E.R. Eliel, J.P. Woerdman, and
S.N. Atutov, P.L. Chapovsk, F.Kh. Gel'mukhanov.
Light-induced drift velocities in Na-noble gas mixtures. Phys. Rev. Lett., v.58, N.25, 1987.
35. N.G.C. Werij, J.P.M. Hermans, P.C.M. Planken, E.R. Eliel, J.P. Woerdman, and
S.N. Atutov, P.L. Chapovski, F.Kh. Gel'mukhanov.
A study of the optical "machine gun". 15th International Conference on Quantum Electronics. IQES'87. Baktimore, USA, April, 1987.
36. S.N. Atutov and A.M. Shalagin.
Prospects for light-induced effect in astrophysical objects. Sov. Astron. Lett. v.14, N.4, 284 1988.
37. S.N. Atutov, S.P. Pod'yachev and A.M. Shalagin.
Light-induced drift, separation, accumulation and detection of microadmixture. Opt. Commun., v. 83, N. 5/6,p. 307, 1991.
38. S.N. Atutov, F. Wittgrefe, J.L.S. van Saarloos, E. Eliel.
Light-induced diffusive pulling of rubidium in atomic and molecular buffer gases. Journal of Physics. B, v.24, N.1, p.145, 1991.
39. S.N. Atutov, A.I. Parkhomenko, S.P. Pod'yachev and A.M. Shalagin.
White light-induced drift of particles with a hyperfine splitting of levels. Sov Phys.-JETP, v.72, N.2, p. 210, 1991.
40. S.N. Atutov, A.I. Parchomenko, S.P. Pod'yachev and A.M. Shalagin.
Light-Induced Drift under condition of ground state optical hyperfine pumping.
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., v. 25, p. 2943, 1992.
41. S.N. Atutov, S. Gozzini, C. Gabbanini, A. Lucchesini, C. Marinelli, E. Mariotti and L. Moi.
Light-Induced vapour jets. Phys. Rev. A, v. 46, N.7, 1992.
42. S.N. Atutov, E. Mariotti, M. Meucci, P. Bicchi, C. Marinelli and L. Moi.
A 670 nm external-cavity single mode diode laser continuously tuneable over 18 GHz range, Opt. Commun., v. 107, p. 83, 1993.
43. L. Moi, S. Gozzini, C. Marinelli, S. Atutov, E. Mariotti, A. Lucchesini,
M. Meucci, P. Bicchi, C. Gabbanini.
Light-Induced Drift: last issues. SPIE Proceedings v. 1711, p. 3-10, 1993.
44. S.N. Atutov, P.V. Kolinko, A.M. Shalagin.
Light induced drift of atomic lithium vapour without adsorption on the walls of the cell. Opt. Commun., v. 107, p. 218, 1994.
45. S.N. Atutov, S.V. Plotnikov, S.P. Pod'yachev and A.M. Shalagin.
Light-Induced Drift of optically thick cloud of sodium vapour. Physics Letters A, v. 193, p. 179-182, 1994.
46. S.N. Atutov, K.A. Nasyrov, S.P. Pod'yachev, A.M. Shalagin, O.A. Vostricov.
Light-Induced Current Phenomenon and its astrophysical manifestation.
15-th International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics, St. Petersburg, Russia, Technical Digest, v.1, p. 28-2à, 1995.
47. E. Marotti, S. Atutov, M. Meucci, P. Bicchi, C. Marinelli, L. Moi.
Dynamics of rubidium light-induced atom desorption. Chemical Physics, v. 187, p. 111-115, 1994.
48. S.N. Atutov, P.V. Kolinko, A.M. Shalagin, O.A. Vostricov. Investigation of light-induced drift of lithium vapour in the case far removed cell walls. Opt. Commun., v. 128, p.236, 1996.
49. S.N. Atutov, K.A. Nasyrov, S.P. Pod'yachev, A.M. Shalagin and O.A. Vostricov.
Light-Induced Current in RF-discharge plasma. Summary for CLEO
50. S.N. Atutov, R. Calabrese, V. Guidi, P. Lenisa, E. Mariotti, L. Moi.
White-Light Laser Cooling in storage rings. Proc. of the Inter. School of Physics " E. Fermi ", course CXXXI, 1995.
51. S.N. Atutov, K.A. Nasyrov, S.P. Pod jachev, and A.M. Shalagin. Light-Induced Current in Hydrogen Glow- Discharge Plasma. Phys. Rev. Lett. v. 72, N. 23, p. 3654. 1994.
52. S.N. Atutov, K.A. Nasyrov, S.P. Pod'yachev, A.M. Shalagin and O.A. Vostricov. Light -Induced Current in plasma. Phys. Rev. A. v. 54, p.4279, 1996.
53. S.N. Atutov, F. Bonazzi, R. Calabrese, V. Guidi, P. Lenisa, S. Petruio, E. Mariotti, L. Moi.
Generation of a frequency comb with a sharp edge of adjustable intensity and frequency. Optics Communication, v.132, p. 269, 1996.
54. S.N. Atutov, R. Calabrese, V. Guidi, P. Lenisa, E. Mariotti, L. Moi, S. Petruio, and A.M. Shalagin.
Frequency stabilisation of a broadband dye laser by Light-Induced Drift Effect. Optics Communication, 146 (1998) p.196-200
55. S.N. Atutov, S. Brandt, R. Calabrese, V. Guidi, P. Lenisa, E. Mariotti, L. Moi, A.M. Shalagin, R. Wynands.
Bright and dark resonances in two level system. Optics Communication, in press.
56. S.N. Atutov, R. Calabrese, V. Guidi, P. Lenisa, S. Petrio, E. Mariotti, L. Moi. Sharp Edge broad band lasers for "white light" cooling in storage rings. 2nd Euroconference on Atomic Physics with highly charged ions.
Stockholm, 1996.
57. L.Tecchio, A.Atutov, G.Bisoffi, A.Burov, R.Calabrese, G.Ciullo, T.Clauser, A.Dainelli, N.S.Dikansky, V.Guidi, S.Gustafsson, G.Lamanna, P.Lenisa, E.Mariotti, L.Moi, M.F.Moisio, V.V.Parkhomuchuk, D.V.Pestrikov, A.Pisent, M.Poggi, V.Stagno, V.Variale, B.Yang:
CRYSTAL: a storage ring for crystalline beams and other applications"; Nuclear Physics A626 (1997) 583c
58. S.N. Atutov, F. Bonazzi, R. Calabrese, V. Guidi, P. Lenisa, S. Petruio, E. Mariotti, L. Moi.
Very efficient generation of a frequency comb with a large edge of adjustable intensity and frequency. IQEC'96. ( 14-19 July)
59. S.N. Atutov, R.Calabrese, R.Grimm, V.Guidi, I.Lauer, P.Lenisa, V. Luger, E.Mariotti, L.Moi, A. Peters, U. Schramm, D. Schwalm, M. Stobel. White-light laser cooling of stored ion beam. Phys. Rew. Lett. 80 ( 1998) p.2129.
60. S.N. Atutov, R.Calabrese, R.Grimm, V.Guidi, I.Lauer, P.Lenisa, V. Luger, E.Mariotti, L.Moi, A. Peters, U. Schramm, D. Schwalm, M. Stobel. White-light laser cooling of stored ion beam. Hyperf. Interact. 115 (1998) p.47
61. S.Atutov, F.Bonazzi, R.Calabrese, V.Guidi, P.Lenisa, V.Biancalana, E.Mariotti, L.Moi:
"White" light laser cooling of high energy ion beams"; Proceedings SPIE, 3485 (1998) 163
62. S.Rachini, C.Fratini, S.Atutov, E.Mariotti, V.Biancalana, M.Meucci, P.Bicchi, C.Marinelli, A.Shalagin, L.Moi:
Light induced atomic desorption from silane coated surfaces"; Proceedings SPIE, 3485 (1998).
63. S.N.Atutov, V. Biancalana, S.Brandt, R.Calabrese, P.Lenisa, E.Mariotti, L.Moi, K.Nasyrov, A.M.Shalagin, R.Wynands. Observation of Sodium Molecular Formation Induced by Resonant Laser Atomic Excitation and Three-Body Collisions; Optics Communications 168, (1999), 355.
64. S.N. Atutov, V. Biancalana, R. Calabrese, V. Guidi, P. Lenisa, B. Mai, E. Mariotti, L. Moi and L. Tomassetti Development of a broadband laser in the UV region Hyperfine Interactions 127 pag.503-506 (2000)
65. C. Marinelli, K.A. Nasyrov, S. Bocci, B. Pieragnoli, A. Burchianti, V. Biancalana, E. Mariotti, S.N. Atutov, L. Moi. A new class of photo-induced phenomena in siloxane films. accepted for publication in EPJ D on 26/09/2000.
66. S.N. Atutov, W.Baldini, V.Biancalana, R.Calabrese, V.Guidi, P.Lenisa, B. Mai, E.Mariotti, L.Moi, L.Tomassetti; Achromatic optical device for generation of a broadband frequency spectrum with high frequency stability and sharp termination. accepted for publication in JOSA (2000).
67. S.N.Atutov, V.Biancalana, A.Burchianti, R.Calabrese, S.Gozzini, V.Guidi, P.Lenisa, C.Marinelli, E.Mariotti, L.Moi, K.A.Nasyrov, S.Pod'yachev. Sodium MOT collection efficiency as a function of the trapping and repumping laser frequencies and intensities. accepted for publication in EPJ D (2000).
68. S.N. Atutov, V. Biancalana, A. Burchianti, R. Calabrese, L. Corradi, A. Dainelli, V. Guidi, B. Mai, C. Marinelli, E. Mariotti, L. Moi, E. Scansani, G. Stancari, L. Tomassetti, S. Veronesi, Cooling and trapping of radioactive atoms: the Legnaro francium MOT, JOSA B 20, 953-959 (2003)
69. S.N. Atutov, V. Biancalana, A. Burchianti, R. Calabrese, L. Corradi, A. Dainelli, V. Guidi, B. Mai, C. Marinelli, E. Mariotti, L. Moi, E. Scansani, G. Stancari, L. Tomassetti, S. Veronesi, Cooling and trapping of radioactive atoms: the Legnaro francium Magneto-optical trapping, Physica Scripta Vol. T105, 15-18, 2003
70. S. N. Atutov, R. Calabrese, V. Guidi, B. Mai, A. G. Rudavets, E. Scansani, L. Tomassetti, V. Biancalana, A. Burchianti, C. Marinelli, E. Mariotti, L. Moi, and S. Veronesi.
Fast and efficient loading of a Rb magneto-optical trap using light-induced atomic desorption.
Phys. Rew. A. 67, p. 5, 2003
71. S.N. Atutov, V. Biancalana, A. Burchianti, R. Calabrese, L. Corradi, A. Dainelli, V. Guidi, A. Khanbekyan, B. Mai, C. Marinelli, E. Mariotti, L. Moi, S. Sanguiunetti, G. Stancari, L. Tomassetti, S. Veronesi, Production and trapping of francium atoms, to be published in Nuclear Physics A
72. S.N. Atutov, V. Biancalana, A. Burchianti, R. Calabrese, L. Corradi, A. Dainelli, V. Guidi, B. Mai, C. Marinelli, E. Mariotti, L. Moi, E. Scansani, G. Stancari, L. Tomassetti, S. Veronesi, The Legnaro Francium Magneto-Optical Trap, Hyperfine Interactions, 146 (1): 83-89; Jan 2003
73. Atutov S. Optical spectrometer for measuring the relative density of the atomic hydrogen and molecular hydrogen in the ABS source // The 16th International Spin Physics Symposium, spin 2004 (Trieste, Italy, October 10-16, 2004). Triest issue of The Abdus Salam international Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), 2004. Abstracts. P 8
74. G. Stancari et al., "Francium sources at LNL: design and performance," Proceedings of the
11th International Conference on Ions Sources (ICIS05), Rev. Sci. Instrum.
75. S. N. Atutov et al., "Laser Cooling and Trapping of Francium," Laser Phys. 15, 1080-1086 (2005)
76. L. Corradi et al., "Excitation functions for 208-211 Fr produced in the 18-O + 197-Au fusion
reaction", Phys. Rev. C 71, 014609 (2005)
77. G. Stancari et al., "Production of radioactive beams of francium."
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, Volume 557, Issue 2, p. 390-396.
78. G. Stancari et al., "Francium sources at Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro: Design and performance"
Review of Scientific Instruments, Volume 77, Issue 3, pp. 03A701-03A701-3 (2006).
79. G. Stancari et al., "Francium sources and traps for fundamental interaction studies"
The European Physical Journal Special Topics, Volume 150, November 2007, pp.389-392
80. Atutov et al., "Experimental study of vapor-cell magneto-optical traps for efficient trapping of radioactive atoms"
The European Physical Journal D, Volume 53, Issue 1, 2009, pp.89-96
81. Atutov, S. N.; Plekhanov, A. I.; Shalagin, A. M.; et al.
Explosive evaporation of Rb or K fractal clusters by low power CW radiation in the presence of excited atoms EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D Volume: 66 Issue: 5 Article Number: 140 Published: MAY 2012
82. Atutov, S. N.; Danilina, N. A.; Mikerin, S. L.; et al.
Pulsed light desorption of molecular nitrogen from a glass surface OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 315 Pages: 362-366 Published: MAR 15 2014
83. Atutov, Sergey; Calabrese, Roberto; Plekhanov, Alexander; et al.
Diffusion and photodesorption of molecular gases in a polymer organic film EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D Volume: 68 Issue: 1 Article Number: 6 Published: JAN 22 2014